Hello my Wheatless fans .

Feel free to share your experiences , recipes and don't forget to give my recipes a try. Mom tested kid approved ! Wheat free people UNITE . We shall not suffer in this wheat eating / wearing world .

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wow it works

So I've done almost a weeks worth of baking soda hair rinses and I must say I like what I see . My scalp is not itchy at all anymore , and the oiliness has reduced drastically . Its still shiny and isn't flat . I still haven't found a great conditioner yet so my hair is getting a little dry . Another option I'm looking at is mud shampoo . Just need to find a local retailer for it .

On a sadder note . I was totally bummed when I found lavender in my bio oil . Lavender another no go for this body health princess .So the search continues for body lotion ...

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